Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to make a .ppt - styles

E.P. and A.E style:

One of the speaker talks constantly while the other one gets lost in thought.

E.A (esas denek) and B.G. (uzun denek) style:

Maximum duration is 5 seconds. Say hi to the audience, speak fast(it may be something about science, after all they have no idea about it), then say "that's all folks! thanks for your attention"

E.D. and M.E. style:

Choose one of the below;

-Harry Potter
-Alice in Wonderland

Tell the others about how shocked and disappointed you are because these books are considered "child-literature". Give some examples of translation, like muggle. Explain muggle. Then pass to the conclusion and tell the others about how shocked and disappointed you are because these books are considered as "child literature".

If necessary, get support from these couples: Y.G. - The Lord of the Rings, H.D. - Le Petit Prince, or the magnificent work of art; the "e" letter lacking book, Georges Perec's La Disparition.

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